Eine Katze Rupert Giles zu nennen ist schon echt Strange ;) Sie dann auch noch Wobblepants zu nennen setzt dem ganzen die Krone auf. :) Also Rupert Giles, also der aus Buffy ^^ und Wobblepants hier habe irgendwelche Ähnlichkeiten ich komm nur nich drauf welche.
About Rupert Giles Wobblepants:
Rupert Wobblepants is a very special kitten that Murkin and I adopted. He has a condition called Cerebellar Hypoplasia. Its caused by a virus that infected his mother while she was pregnant, and it causes the cerebellum part of the brain to not develop properly. This causes the affected kittens to be clumsier than usual, but it causes them no pain. He also has a congenital heart defect, which we are currently in the process of treating. He was originally found abandoned in a cardboard box in front of a cat clinic. A technician there with a warm heart bottle fed him and nursed him back to health. They were having a hard time finding him a home so they contacted me to see if I could help them spread the word about this special boy. I fell in love with him instantly.
Der Kanal von dcjanelle is voll davon ;) also wenn ihr Heute noch was zum lächeln braucht.